Race of God’s Anointed Priests, The
Race That Long in Darkness Pined, The
Radiant Morn Hath Passed Away, The
Radiant Sun Shines in the Skies, The
Rain, Rain!
Rainbow on the Cloud, A
Rainbow Round the Throne, The
Raindrop Fell on a Blossom Gay, A
Raise High the Notes of Exultation
Raise His Praise
Raise Me, Jesus, to Thy Bosom
Raise Not Thy Hand in Judgment, Lord
Raise, Raise the Ensign
Raise the Christian Banner High
Raise the Psalm: Let Earth Adoring
Raise the Song
Raise the Song of Triumph
Rally for the Right
Rally, Soldiers, One and All
Rallying Around the Banner of the Savior
Ransomed and Redeemed
Rapid My Days and Months Run On
Rapture Indeed!
Raven He Feedeth, The
Reach Out Thine Hand
Read the Times with Keen Discerning
Read to Me the Blessèd Bible
Ready (Tillman)
Ready (Taylor)
Reapers Are Needed (DeArmond)
Reapers Are Needed (Gabriel)
Reapers for the Harvest
Rebels, Who Had Dared to Show
Recall, My Heart, That Dreadful Hour
Receive, O Lord, in Heaven Above
Recruit for the Army Above
Redeemed (O’Kane)
Redeemed (Whittle)
Redeemed and Saved
Redeemed, and with the Price of Blood
Redeemed by the Blood
Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It!
Redeemed of the Lord, The
Redeemed, Restored, Forgiven
Redeemer Is Come, The
Redeemer of Israel
Redeeming Grace
Redeeming Love (Hewitt)
Redeeming Love (Woolsey)
Redeeming Work Is Done
Redemption (Crosby)
Redemption (Sayford)
Redemption (Toy)
Redemption Ground
Redemption to My Soul Has Come
Redemption’s Story
Refiner’s Fire
Reflect the Christ
Regard My Grief and Rescue Me
Regions Beyond, The
Rejoice and Be Glad
Rejoice and Be Glad!
Rejoice and Shout Aloud
Rejoice, Believer, in the Lord
Rejoice Evermore
Rejoice, He Is Risen!
Rejoice in God
Rejoice in Jesu’s Birth
Rejoice in the Lord
Rejoice in the Lord Alway
Rejoice, My Soul, the Trumpet Sounds
Rejoice, O Land, in God Thy Might
Rejoice, O Young Man
Rejoice, Our Nature Christ Assumes
Rejoice! Rejoice! (Gabriel)
Rejoice, Rejoice (O’Kane)
Rejoice! Rejoice! The Christmas Time Is Here
Rejoice, Rejoice, Believer
Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers
Rejoice, Rejoice, He Rose
Rejoice, Rejoice, the King Is Coming
Rejoice, Rejoice, the Lost Is Found
Rejoice, Rejoice, This Happy Morn
Rejoice, Rejoice, Ye Christians
Rejoice, the King Is Risen
Rejoice, the Lord Is King
Rejoice, the Savior Reigns!
Rejoice! The Year upon Its Way
Rejoice Today
Rejoice! Today Earth Tells Abroad
Rejoice Today with One Accord
Rejoice with Me (Atchinson)
Rejoice with Me (Scott)
Rejoice Ye People, Homage Give
Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart
Rejoice, Ye Righteous, in the Lord
Rejoice! Ye Saints (Hurditch)
Rejoice! Ye Saints (Stunz)
Rejoice, Ye Saints of God!
Rejoice, Ye Saints, Rejoice and Praise
Rejoice, Ye Saints! The Time Draws Near
Rejoice, Ye Saints! The Time Draws Near
Rejoice Ye with Singing Who Trust in the Lord
Rejoicing in Hope
Rejoicing Together
Religion Is the Chief Concern
Remark, My Soul, the Narrow Bounds
Remember All the People
Remember Christ, Our Savior
Remember Every Blessing
Remember How Much I Love You
Remember in Youth Thy Creator
Remember, Lord, Our Mortal State
Remember, Man, That Awful Day
Remember Me
Remember Me, Dear Lord, Today
Remember Not, O God
Remember the Time When Our Saviour Was Born
Remember Thy Creator
Remember Your Mother’s Prayer
Remember Your Promise to Jesus
Remembered No More
Renew Me, O Eternal Light
Renew Your Church
Repeat the Dear Old Story
Repeat the Story O’er and O’er
Repeat the Sweet Story
Repent and Believe
Repent, Oh, Repent, Is the Message
Repent, Repent,
the Baptist Cries
Repent, the Kingdom Draweth Nigh
the Voice Celestial Cries
Repent! ’Tis the Voice of Jesus
Repent Ye
Repentant and Weary of Sin
Rescue the Perishing
Resignation, The
Resplendent Sun! Your Brilliant Beams
Rest at Home
Rest Awhile
Rest By and By
Rest for the Weary
Rest I Will Give You
Rest if You Will
Rest in Heaven
Rest in Jesus
Rest in the Arms of My Savior
Rest in the Lord
Rest in Thee
Rest of the Weary
Rest Over Jordan
Rest Over There
Rest Remaineth for the Weary, A
Resting By and By
Resting from His Work Today
Resting in God’s Peace
Resting in Jesus
Resting in Jesus’ Arms
Resting in You
Resurrection, The
Resurrection and the Life, The
Resurrection Day, The
Resurrection Morn (Kramer), The
Resurrection Morn (Warren), The
Resurrection Morn So Fair
Resurrection Morning, The
Return, My Roving Heart, Return
Return, My Soul, and Seek Thy Rest
Return, O God of Love
Return, O Wanderer, Return
Return, O Wanderer, to Thy Home
Return of Summer
Return to Bless My Waiting Eyes
Return Ye
Revive the Hearts of All
Revive Thy Work, O Lord (Crosby)
Revive Thy Work, O Lord (Midlane)
Revive Us
Revive Us Again
Rhyme, a Rhyme for Easter Time, A
Rich and Poor Together Meet, The
Rich Are the Moments of Blessing
Rich in Mercy
Rich Treasures Are Waiting Just over the Way
Riches of Earth I May Not See
Riches of Grace
Riches of Heaven, The
Riches of His Grace, The
Ride On, Ride on in Majesty!
Riding on Comes the King of the Lowly
Rifted Rock, The
Rifts of Blue are Gleaming
Right Must Win, The
Right Shall Rule, The
Righteous Father, We Have Wronged Thee
Righteous God! Whose Vengeful Phials
Righteous Lord, Thy People Spare!
Righteous, O Lord, Are All Thy Ways!
Righteous, Sin-Avenging God
Ring, Happy Bells of Easter Time
Ring Merrily!
Ring, Merry, Merry Bells
Ring On, Ye Bells
Ring On, Ye Joyous Christmas Bells
Ring Out, Chiming Bells
Ring Out, Merry Bells
Ring Out, O Bells, in Gladness
Ring Out, O Bells, Your Peals Today
Ring Out, Oh, Happy Easter Bells
Ring Out, Ring Out, O Christmas Bells
Ring Out, Sweet Easter Bells
Ring Out the Anthem, Jesus Lives
Ring Out the Bells
Ring Out the Bells for Christmas
Ring Out the Happy Easter Bells
Ring Out the Name of Jesus
Ring Out the News
Ring Out the News That Christ Is Born
Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New
Ring Out Tonight Thro’ the Waiting Land
Ring Out, Ye Bells
Ring Out, Ye Bells, Your Merry Lay
Ring Out, Ye Throbbing Stars of Night
Ring, Ring Out, Ye Bells, for Easter
Ring, Ring the Bells, the Joyful Bells
Ring, Sweet Bells
Ring, Sweet Bells of Christendom
Ring the Bell Softly
Ring the Bells (Ellsworth)
Ring the Bells (Mack)
Ring the Bells of Heaven
Ring the Bells, the Christmas Bells
Ring the Christmas Bells Again
Ring the Easter Bells
Ring the Joy-Bells, Christ Has Risen
Ring with Joy and Gladness
Ring, Ye Bells!
Ring, Ye Chiming Bells
Ring, Ye Joyous Easter Bells
Ringing, Ringing, Voices Soft and Clear
Ringing, Sweetly Ringing
Rise, All Who Seek the Crucified
Rise and Shine (Aycock)
Rise, Arise!
Rise at the Cry of Battle
Rise, Children of God
Rise, Crowned with Light
Rise Every Soul in Jesus’ Name
Rise from Your Graves, Ye Dead
Rise, Glorious Conqueror
Rise in the Strength of God
Rise, My Soul, and Stretch Thy Wings
Rise, My Soul, to Watch and Pray
Rise, O Lord! In All Thy Glory
Rise, O My Soul, to Higher Joys Awaking
Rise, O My Soul, Pursue the Path
Rise, O Salem, Rise and Shine
Rise, Thou Light of Gentile Nations
Rise! To Arms!
Rise Up and Hasten
Rise Up, O Men of God
Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow
Rise We So Joyful
Rise, Ye Children of Salvation
Rise! Ye People, Who Have Heard
Risen and Coming Again
Risen for Me
Risen! Hallelujah!
Risen Is Our Glorious King
Risen Jesus, The
Risen, Living Christ, The
Risen Lord Today Is King, The
Risen Today
Risk Is Too Great, The
Rites Cannot Change the Heart
River of Death
River of God, The
River of Life (Howe), The
River of Life (Torrey), The
River of Peace
River of Thy Grace, The
Rivers of Song
Rock Amid the Waves, The
Rock and the Sand, The
Rock in the Desert
Rock of Ages
Rock of Ages, Let Our Song
Rock of Refuge, The
Rock That Is Higher Than I, The
Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep
Rod of the Root of Jesse
Roll Call Here, The
Roll Call in Heaven, The
Roll On, O Billow of Fire!
Roll On, Sweet Galilee
Roll On, Thou Mighty Ocean
Roll Out, O Song, to God!
Roll the Clouds Away
Roll the Stone Away (Gray)
Roll the Stone Away (Pickard)
Rolling Downward, Through the Midnight
Rolling Year, Almighty Lord!, The
Roman Centurion Sought Out the Lord, A
Roman Soldier, Tell Us True
Room at the Cross
Room for All
Room for Jesus (Chapman)
Room for Jesus (Atkinson)
Room for the Penitent
Room for the World
Room for You
Room in Heaven for Thee
Room in the Heart of Jesus!
Rose of Sharon, The
Roseate Hues of Early Dawn, The
Roses Bring and Lilies Sweet
Rosy Dawn, with Locks of Gold
Rosy Morn Has Robed the Sky, The
Rough Was the Way, and Dark, and Cold
Round Me Falls the Night
’Round Our Sparkling Christmas Tree
Round the Cross
Round the Lord in Glory Seated
Round the Sacred City Gather
Round the Throne in Glory
Round the Throne of Glory
Rouse, Oh! Reapers
Rouse Thee, Soul
Row Me over the Tide
Royal Banners Forward Go, The
Royal Day That Chaseth Gloom
Royal Fountain, The
Royal Road, The
Royal Songs
Royal Telephone, The
Royal Welcome, A
Ruler of the Dread Immense
Ruler of the Hosts of Light
Ruler Once Came to Jesus by Night, A
Ruler’s Daughter, The
Rulers of Sodom! Hear the Voice
Run Not the Risk
Rush May Rise, The
Ruth the Gleaner