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Scripture Verse

The…stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy. Job 38:7


Words: Au­thor un­known, in Car­ols Old and Car­ols New, by Charles L. Hut­chins (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Par­ish Choir, 1916), num­ber 777.

Music: Mrs. J. H. Bar­bour (🔊 ).

If you know the au­thor, Bar­bour’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of ei­ther of them (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Ring out, ye throb­bing stars of night!
Fill all the world with rhyth­mic light
For which men long have wait­ed;
For which men long have wait­ed!
Repeat the joy­ous song that rolled
From Heav’n’s eter­nal depths of old
When earth was first cre­at­ed,
When earth was first cre­at­ed!
Together sing! For God doth bring
Jesus, the ev­er­last­ing Lord,
To be by all His works ado­red.

Break forth in praise, an­gel­ic throngs!
Spread Beth­le­hem’s plains with sweet­est songs,
A cloud of ut­tered glo­ry,
A cloud of ut­tered glo­ry!
Enfold there­in the shep­herds meek,
And those who fade­less pas­tures seek,
Described in pro­phets’ sto­ry,
Described in pro­phets’ sto­ry.
Adore your king! For God doth bring
Emanuel the ho­ly Child
By whom the world is re­con­ciled.

Rejoice, ye wait­ing Jews de­vout!
Let your vic­tor­ious faith ring out
In swell­ing Be­ne­dic­tus,
In swell­ing Be­ne­dic­tus!
The night of watch­ing now is past,
Redemption’s day has come at last,
No more can fear af­flict us,
No more can fear af­flict us.
Let trum­pets ring! For God doth bring
The pro­mised heir of Da­vid’s throne,
Whose king­dom all the earth shall own!

Lift up, ye Gen­tiles from afar
Your voice of tri­umph to the star
On Si­on’s fore­head flam­ing,
On Si­on’s fore­head flam­ing!
For lo! It burns with heav’n­ly fire,
Of cher­ished dreams and vague de­sire
Fulfillment now pro­claim­ing,
Fulfillment now pro­claim­ing!
Let pæ­ans ring! For God doth bring
The King all na­tions longed to find!
The light and leader of man­kind!

Hark! how the bells to­ge­ther chime!
All ring­ing in the gold­en time
The age of love and glo­ry,
The age of love and glo­ry!
The choirs of Heav’n and those of earth
Unite, O Christ! to hail Thy birth,
All worlds as one ad­ore Thee,
All worlds as one ad­ore Thee!
One an­them rolls from ran­somed souls
From na­ture and each liv­ing thing
To Thee, in­car­nate Son and King!