Scripture Verse

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14


James W. Boulding (1841–1929)

Words: J. Wim­sett Boul­ding, in Christ­mas Car­ols, by James M. Mc­Laugh­lin (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Ginn, 1915), num­ber 3.

Music: Cape Hat­ter­as James H. Wall­is (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

James H. Wallis (1861–1940)


Ring out, ye bells, your mu­sic tells
Once again the sto­ry
Of that sweet Child, who, un­de­filed,
Came from realms of glo­ry;
Ring in the King who comes to bring
The reign of God on earth,
A world of peace and right­eous­ness,
The old world’s se­cond birth.

Ring in the star that shines from far
God’s own light be­stow­ing;
No oth­er light can break our night,
Heav’n’s own dawn fore­show­ing;
It turns above with God’s dear love,
A love that naught can dim,
’Twill burn and shine, that light di­vine,
Till all are drawn to Him.

Ring on, ye bells, your mu­sic tells
Human love is grow­ing;
That strifes will cease, and tides of peace
Up the world come flow­ing:
Ring in that sea of har­mo­ny,
That flood of human love,
O’er whose still breast once more will rest
The Spir­it like a dove.

What though your spells, ye Christ­mas bells,
Ages have been ring­ing,
And an­gels bright through sin’s long night,
Christmas car­ols sing­ing;
Still ring your chime, till ev­ery clime
Has heard the an­gel throng,
And ev­ery sound is lost and drowned
In their eter­nal song.