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Scripture Verse

Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Ephesians 6:10–11


Philipp Nicolai (1556–1608)

Words: Wil­helm Ar­ends, 1714 (Rüst­et euch, ihr Chris­ten­leute). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by John M. Sloan, 1865, alt.

Music: Wach­et auf Phi­lipp Ni­co­lai, 1599. Har­mo­ny by Jo­hann S. Bach, 1731 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Sloan, would you send us an e-mail?

John M. Sloan (1835–1915)


Rise! to arms! With pray­er em­ploy you!
O Chris­tians, lest the foe de­stroy you,
For Satan has de­signed your fall.
Wield God’s Word, a wea­pon glo­ri­ous!
Against each foe you’ll be vic­tor­ious;
Our God will set you ov­er them all.
Is Sa­tan strong and fell?
Here is Im­ma­nu­el.
Sing ho­san­na! The strong ones yield,
With Christ our shield,
And we as con­quer­ors hold the field.

Cast afar this world’s vain plea­sures,
Aye, bold­ly fight for heav’n­ly trea­sures,
And stead­fast be in Je­sus’ might.
He will help, whate’er be­tide you,
And naught will harm with Christ be­side you;
By faith you’ll con­quer in the fight.
Then shame, thou wea­ry soul!
Look for­ward to the goal:
There joy waits thee.The race, then, run;
The com­bat done,
Thy crown of glo­ry will be won.

Wisely fight, for time is fleet­ing,
The hours of grace are fast re­treat­ing;
Short, short, is this our earth­ly way.
When the trump the dead is wak­ing
And sin­ners all with fear are quak­ing,
With joy the saints will greet that day.
Bless God, our tri­umph’s sure,
Tho’ long we did en­dure
Scorn and tri­al. Thou, Son of God,
To Thine abode
Tilt lead the way Thy­self hast trod.

Jesus, all Thy child­ren cher­ish
And keep them that they nev­er per­ish
Whom Thou hast pur­chased with Thy blood.
Let new life to us be giv­en
That we may look to Thee in Heav­en
Whenever fear­ful is our mood.
Thy spir­it on us pour
That we may love Thee more—
Hearts o’er­flow­ing. And then will we
Be true to Thee
In death and life eter­nal­ly.