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Scripture Verse

Give unto the Lord, O ye kindreds of the people, give unto the Lord glory and strength. Psalm 96:7


Edward Churton

Words: Ed­ward Chur­ton, The Cleve­land Psal­ter 1854.

Music: Aus­tria (Hay­dn), ar­ranged by Franz J. Hay­dn, 1797 (🔊 ).

Franz J. Haydn (1732–1809)


Raise the psalm: let earth ad­or­ing,
Through each kin­dred, tribe, and tongue,
To her God His praise re­stor­ing,
Raise the new ac­cord­ant song.
Bless His name, each far­thest na­tion;
Sing His praise, His truth dis­play:
Tell anew His high sal­va­tion,
With each new re­turn of day.

Tell it out be­neath the heav­en
To each kin­dred, tribe and tongue,
Tell it out from morn till ev­en
In your un­ex­haust­ed song:
Tell that God for­ev­er reign­eth,
He, who set the world so fast,
He, who still its state sus­tain­eth
Till the day of doom to last.

Tell them that the day is com­ing
When that right­eous doom shall be:
Then shall Heav’n new joys il­lu­mine,
Gladness shine o’er earth and sea.
Yea, the far re­sound­ing ocean
Shall its thou­sand voic­es raise,
All its waves in glad com­mo­tion
Chant the full­ness of His praise.

And earth’s fields, with herbs and flow­ers,
Shall put on their choice ar­ray,
And in all their leafy bow­ers
Shall the woods keep ho­ly day:
When the Judge, to earth des­cend­ing,
Righteous judg­ment shall or­dain,
Fraud and wrong shall then have end­ing,
Truth, im­mor­tal truth, shall reign.