Scripture Verse

O Lord, revive Thy work. Habakkuk 3:2


Words: Al­bert Mid­lane, 1858. Al­so see Re­vive Thy Work, O Lord (Cros­by).

Music: Fes­tal Song Will­iam H. Wal­ter, in the Epis­co­pal Hym­nal with Tunes Old and New, by John I. Tuck­er, 1872 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Wal­ter (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Albert Midlane (1825–1909)


Revive Thy work, O Lord,
Thy migh­ty arm make bare;
Speak with the voice that wakes the dead,
And make Thy peo­ple hear.

Revive Thy work, O Lord,
Disturb this sleep of death;
Quicken the smol­der­ing em­bers now
By Thine al­migh­ty breath.

Revive Thy work, O Lord,
Create soul-thirst for Thee;
And hun­ger­ing for the bread of life
O may our spir­its be.

Revive Thy work, O Lord,
Exalt Thy prec­ious name;
And, by the Ho­ly Ghost, our love
For Thee and Thine in­flame.

Revive Thy work, O Lord,
Give Pen­te­cost­al show­ers;
The glo­ry shall be all Thine own,
The bless­ing, Lord, be ours.