Scripture Verse

I saw a new Heaven and a new earth: for the first Heaven and the first earth were passed away. Revelation 21:1


Death on the Pale Horse
Gustave Doré (1832–1883)

Words: From Hymns Oc­ca­sioned by the Earth­quake, by John & Charles Wes­ley, 1750.

Music: Ho­ly Place John D. Brunk, 1911 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Righteous God! Whose venge­ful phi­als
All our fears and thoughts ex­ceed,
Big with woes and fie­ry tri­als,
Hanging, burst­ing o’er our head;
While Thou vi­sit­est the na­tions,
Thy se­lect­ed peo­ple spare;
Arm our cau­tion­ed souls with pa­tience,
Fill our hum­bled hearts with pray­er.

If Thy dread­ful con­tro­ver­sy
With all flesh is now be­gun,
In Thy wrath re­mem­ber mer­cy,
Mercy first and last be shown;
Plead Thy cause with sword and fire,
Shake us till the curse re­move,
Till Thou com’st, the world’s De­sire,
Conquering all with so­ve­reign love.

Every fresh alarm­ing tok­en
More conf­irms the faith­ful Word;
Nature (for its Lord hath spok­en)
Must be sud­den­ly re­stored:
From this na­tion­al con­fu­sion,
From this ruined earth and skies,
See the times of re­sti­tu­tion,
See the new cre­ation rise!

Vanish, then, this world of sha­dows,
Pass the for­mer things away:
Lord, ap­pear! ap­pear to glad us
With the dawn of end­less day
O con­clude this mor­tal sto­ry,
Throw this uni­verse aside!
Come, eter­nal King of glo­ry,
Now des­cend, and take Thy bride!