Scripture Verse

The Lord is risen. Luke 24:34


Words: John H. An­ke­tell, Gos­pel and Epis­tle Hymns for the Chris­tian Year (New York: Church Re­cord Com­pa­ny, 1889), num­ber 28.

Music: Com­pos­er un­known, in The Sun­day School Cho­ris­ter (Mil­wau­kee, Wis­con­sin: Young Church­man Com­pa­ny, 1891), num­ber 29 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of An­ke­tell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),



Ring out, sweet East­er bells, ring out,
The world to life is wak­ing,
And heav’n­ly hosts in tri­umph sound,
The joy of man par­tak­ing.
For He, who died our souls to save,
The Lord is ris­en from the grave.
Alleluia! Al­le­lu­ia!

Once more the sea its wave di­vides,
That we our Lord may fol­low;
Then o’er the foe in tri­umph rides,
The hosts of sin to swal­low;
For He, who saved us from our doom,
The Lord is ris­en from the tomb.
Alleluia! Al­le­lu­ia!

The Ro­man guard in vain shall keep
His dark and si­lent pri­son;
No more sad Mag­da­lene shall weep,
For Christ the Lord is ris­en;
The Sav­ior, who for sin­ners bled,
The Lord is ris­en from the dead.
Alleluia! Al­le­lu­ia!

Then ring, sweet bells, the joy on earth
In East­er hymns to Hea­ven,
And tell the new, im­mor­tal birth
To man by Je­sus gi­ven;
For our dear Lord is ris’n in­deed,
And lives on high to in­ter­cede.
Alleluia! Al­le­lu­ia!