

Born: March 8, 1835, New Ha­ven, Con­nec­ti­cut.

Died: March 9, 1905, West Bur­ling­ton, New York.

Buried: Grove Street Ce­me­te­ry, New Ha­ven, Con­nec­ti­cut.


John was the son of John An­ke­tell and Au­gus­ta Abi­gail Mills, and hus­band of Mary Lou­ise But­ter­field.

He was edu­cat­ed at Yale Col­lege, New Ha­ven, Con­nec­ti­cut, and at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hal­le-Wit­ten­berg in Prus­sian Sax­ony.

He was or­dained a dea­con of the Am­eri­can Epis­co­pal church in 1859, and priest in 1860. He found­ed St. John’s (Am­eri­can) Epis­co­pal Church in Dres­den, Ger­ma­ny, in 1869, and lat­er be­came pro­fess­or of He­brew and Greek Exe­ge­sis at Sea­bu­ry Di­vi­ni­ty School, Fa­ri­bault, Min­ne­so­ta.


Anketell trans­lat­ed about 120 hymns from Ger­man, Greek, La­tin, He­brew, French, Span­ish, Da­nish, Ital­ian and Syr­iac. These ap­peared in the New York Church Re­view, start­ing in 1876, and in oth­er pe­ri­od­ic­als.

He also wrote:



Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of An­ke­tell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),