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Scripture Verse

Rejoice in the Lord always. Philippians 4:4


Words: John H. An­ke­tell, Gos­pel and Epis­tle Hymns for the Chris­tian Year (New York: Church Re­cord Com­pa­ny, 1889), num­ber 4.

Music: Christ Church (Steg­gall) Charles Steg­gall, 1865 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of An­ke­tell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Charles Steggall


Rejoice, the Sav­ior reigns!
Rejoice, the Lord is king!
O’er mount­ains and o’er plains
Let ran­somed na­ture sing:
With ho­ly heart, with tune­ful voice,
Let all be­fore the Lord re­joice.

The ad­vent of our Lord
Shall wake our joy­ful song;
The com­fort of His Word
Shall make our cour­age strong;
With ho­ly heart, with tune­ful voice,
Let all be­fore the Lord rejoice.

The Lord is near at hand,
Put anx­ious care away;
He comes to rule His land,
Oh, haste the hap­py day!
With ho­ly heart, with tune­ful voice,
Let all be­fore the Lord re­joice.

Then let, O Lord, Thy peace,
Which pass­eth human mind,
Our faith and hope in­crease,
Our hearts to Je­sus bind:
With ho­ly heart, with tune­ful voice,
Let all be­fore the Lord re­joice.