Scripture Verse

There were shepherds living out in the fields…keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them. Luke 2:8–9


Words & Mu­sic: Af­ri­can-Am­eri­can spi­ri­tu­al (🔊 pdf nwc).


There’s a star in the east on Christ­mas morn,
Rise up, shep­herd, and fol­low.
It will lead to the place where the Christ was born,
Rise up, shep­herd, and fol­low.


Follow, fol­low, rise up, shep­herd, and fol­low.
Follow the Star of Beth­le­hem,
Rise up, shep­herd, and fol­low.

If you take good heed to the an­gel’s words,
Rise up, shep­herd, and follow.
You’ll for­get your flocks, you’ll for­get your herds,
Rise up, shep­herd, and fol­low.


Announcement to the Shepherds