I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.
John 14:6
Words: Clara H. Scott, Lovers of Truth Everywhere (Chicago, Illinois: Stockham Publishing, 1896).
Music: Austin Clara H. Scott, 1896 (🔊
Rejoice with me! I’ve found the Way
Christ Jesus made so clear,
Gone are the thorns of pain and sin,
Dispersed each doubt and fear;
I am the Way, the Truth, the Life.
Cried that blest Son divine,
Then follow Me, and perfect life
Shall be forever thine.
Rejoice with me! I’ve found the Truth,
Glad truth that sets me free,
God is my all; in Him I’ve found
Health, peace and harmony.
O Christ, Thou art the Way, the Truth,
Thou art the Life divine!
I’ll follow Thee, and perfect life
Shall be forever mine.
Rejoice with me! I’ve found the Life
The Master came to prove;
’Tis God in me and I in God,
Just resting in His Love.
Oh, blest the Way, the Truth, the Life!
Blest immortality!
Sing now my soul! Time’s but a breath;
We’re in eternity.