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Scripture Verse

We…rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Romans 5:2


Words: Car­los Swift, in The Ir­is, ed­it­ed by Hor­ace Haw­ley (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: C. Swift, 1881), page 72.

Music: Ahr­weil­er Hor­ace H. Haw­ley (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Swift or Haw­ley (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


In that far dist­ant land where the an­gels of light,
Are re­splen­dent with glo­ry no mor­tal hath known,
Where the praise of the Lord is their ho­ly de­light,
As with me­lo­dies sweet, they en­cir­cle the throne.
I’ve a Sav­ior whose glo­ry out­shines all be­side,
From whose bo­som the full­ness of love ov­er­flows;
Who once vi­sit­ed earth and in bit­ter­ness died,
To red­eem my dark soul from its sin and its woes.

In that far dist­ant home where the an­gels of peace,
Are unit­ed in love, and where har­mo­ny reigns,
Where the Fa­ther of all, in His in­fi­nite grace
Sweetly smiles on the child­ren His boun­ty sus­tains;
I’ve a man­sion of bliss which my Sav­ior has giv’n,
Who with blood sealed my par­don and made me His own;
To par­take of His full­ness of glo­ry in Heav’n,
And to sit at His side on His beau­ti­ful throne.