Scripture Verse

Light has come into the world. John 3:19


John Brownlie (1857–1925)

Words: Au­thor un­known. Trans­lat­ed to Eng­lish by John Brown­lie, Hymns of the Ear­ly Church (Lon­don: Mor­gan & Scott, 1913), pag­es 43–44.

Music: Cher­ub­im George F. Le­Jeune (1841–1904) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Le­Jeune,

George F. LeJeune


Rosy dawn, with locks of gold,
Looks upon the world awak­ing;
For the day by pro­phets told,
Lo, in beau­ty now is break­ing,
And the Christ is come to earth:
Hail, all hail His won­drous birth.

Minstrels from the realms of light,
Bend to earth to sing His prais­es,
For, from depth to high­est height,
God our fall­en race up­rais­es;
Now the Christ is come to earth,
Hail, all hail His won­drous birth.

Go to Beth­le­hem, wan­der­ers lone,
Seek the Christ, for whom such glo­ry
Flashing from the heav­en­ly throne
Floods with light the an­cient sto­ry:
For the Christ is come to earth,
Hail, all hail His won­drous birth.

There, in weak­ness see Him lie,
Cradled where His mo­ther laid Him,
Who, by min­strels from the sky,
Hath im­mor­tal hon­ors paid Him;
See the God-man come to earth,
Hail, all hail His won­drous birth.

King im­mor­tal! trea­sures rare,
Gifts of heart and life we bring Thee;
Hearts and voic­es ev­ery­where,
More than gold—their prais­es bring Thee;
Thou, O Christ, art come to earth,
Hail, all hail Thy won­drous birth.