Scripture Verse

Good tidings of great joy. Luke 2:10


John M. Neale (1818–1866)


Words: Un­known au­thor, prob­ab­ly 14th Cen­tu­ry Ger­man (Di­es est læ­ti­tiæ). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by John M. Neale, Med­iæ­val Hymns, 1851.

Music: Di­es Est Læ­ti­tiæ Her­mann R. Schroe­der, in Great Hymns of the Church Com­piled by the Late Right Rev­er­end John Free­man Young, ed­it­ed by John H. Hop­kins, Jr. (New York: James Pott, 1887) (🔊 pdf nwc).


Royal day that chas­est gloom!
Day by glad­ness speeded!
Thou be­held from Ma­ry’s womb
How the King pro­ceed­ed;
Whom, true Man, with praise our choir
Hails, and love, and heart’s de­sire,
Joy and ad­mi­ra­tion;
Who, true God, en­throned in light,
Passeth won­der, pass­eth sight,
Passeth co­gi­ta­tion.

On the vir­gin as He hung,
God, the world’s cre­at­or,
Like a rose from li­ly sprung—
Stood as­tound­ed na­ture:
That a maid­en’s arms en­fold
Him that make the world of old,
Him that ev­er liv­eth:
That a maid­en’s spot­less breast
To the King eter­nal rest,
Warmth and nur­ture, giv­eth!

As the sun­beam through the glass
Passeth, but not stain­eth,
Thus the vir­gin, as she was,
Virgin still re­main­eth:
Blessèd mo­ther, in whose womb
Lay the light that ex­iles gloom,
God, the Lord of ag­es;
Blessèd maid! from whom the Lord,
Her own in­fant, God ad­ored,
Hunger’s pains as­suag­es.