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Scripture Verse

Let the children of Zion be joyful in their king. Psalm 149:2


Words: An­na B. Hoppe, 1920.

Music: Fahre Fort Ger­man, 1704 (🔊 ).

Anna B. Hoppe (1889–1941)


Rise, arise! Rise, arise!
Zion, rise to greet thy king!
Open wide the gates be­fore Him!
Let the glad ho­san­nas ring!
Haste to wor­ship and adore Him!
Hark, the watch­man on the mount­ain cries:
Rise, arise! Rise, arise!

Weep no more! Weep no more!
Zion, dry thy bit­ter tears!
Cast away all gloom and sad­ness,
For the Shi­loh now ap­pears,
Who shall turn thy grief to glad­ness!
Day has dawned! Arise! the night is o’er!
Weep no more! Weep no more!

O re­joice! O re­joice!
Christ doth come, as long fore­told!
The Mes­si­ah long ex­pect­ed,
The in­car­nate Word be­hold!
Though by kings of earth re­ject­ed,
Hail Him Lord of all with migh­ty voice!
O re­joice! O re­joice!

Crown Him king! Crown Him king!
His ex­alt­ed name con­fess!
From His heav­en­ly throne des­cend­ing,
Jesus, Lord of right­eous­ness,
Bringeth joy and peace un­end­ing!
O let heart and tongue His prais­es sing!
Crown Him king! Crown Him king!

Worship Him! Wor­ship Him!
Worship at His sac­red feet!
Hail the Son of God thy Sav­ior!
Haste, thy longed for Bride­groom greet!
Come, re­ceive His king­ly fa­vor!
Zion, haste thy lamp of faith to trim!
Worship Him! Wor­ship Him!