Matthew 28:6He is risen,
as He said.
Words: Eliza E. Hewitt (1851–1920). Appeared in Progressive Sunday School Songs, compiled by Homer A. Rodeheaver (Chicago, Illinois: Rodeheaver, 1923), number 196.
Music: Charles H. Gabriel (🔊
). Some hymnals show the composer as H. A. Henry, one of Gabriel’s pseudonyms.
The golden light is streaming
From smiling skies of blue;
From lofty hill and mountain rings
A message glad and true;
Awake to joy and gladness!
Lay all your grief aside;
He lives! the Lord of glory lives,
Who once for sinners died.
Rejoice, rejoice, He is risen!
New life to all He doth bring;
Rejoice, rejoice! He lives!
Our great victorious king!
The blossoms fair are blooming,
They fill the world with cheer;
The Easter bells are ringing out
In carols sweet and clear.
Creation’s happy voices
The wondrous tidings tell;
He comes, the King triumphant comes!
Let earth His praises swell.
The golden light is streaming,
The darkness now is o’er;
Exalt the risen Savior, for
He lives to die no more!
Swing wide, ye gates immortal,
Ye ransomed hosts proclaim,
Crown Him, the high and holy One!
Adore His blessèd name.