Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, rejoice.
Philippians 4:4
Words: Susan H. Peterson, 1998 (public domain).
Music: Azmon Carl G. Gläser, 1828. Arranged by Lowell Mason, Modern Psalmist, 1839 (🔊
Rejoice in God our Lord always;
I say again, rejoice!
Your gentleness should show to all,
In your actions and your voice.
Do not be anxious or cast down,
But in all things you seek,
By prayer, petition, and with thanks,
Go to God with all your needs.
The peace of God, surpassing all,
Transcending all that’s known,
Will guard your heart and mind in Christ,
And will never let you down.
Whatever’s true, whatever’s good,
Whatever’s right or pure,
Whatever’s lovely or admired—
Dwell on these, not sin’s allure.
If anything is excellent,
Or worthy of your praise,
Think on these things both day and night,
Let your thoughts to God be raised.
Whatever truth you’ve learned, received,
Or heard or seen below,
Put into practice day by day,
And the peace of God you’ll know.