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Scripture Verse

Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, rejoice. Philippians 4:4


Susan Peterson

Words: Su­san H. Pe­ter­son, 1998 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Az­mon Carl G. Glä­ser, 1828. Ar­ranged by Low­ell Ma­son, Mo­dern Psalm­ist, 1839 (🔊 ).

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Rejoice in God our Lord al­ways;
I say again, re­joice!
Your gen­tle­ness should show to all,
In your act­ions and your voice.

Do not be anx­ious or cast down,
But in all things you seek,
By pray­er, pe­ti­tion, and with thanks,
Go to God with all your needs.

The peace of God, sur­pass­ing all,
Transcending all that’s known,
Will guard your heart and mind in Christ,
And will nev­er let you down.

Whatever’s true, what­ev­er’s good,
Whatever’s right or pure,
Whatever’s love­ly or ad­mired—
Dwell on these, not sin’s al­lure.

If any­thing is ex­cel­lent,
Or wor­thy of your praise,
Think on these things both day and night,
Let your thoughts to God be raised.

Whatever truth you’ve learned, re­ceived,
Or heard or seen be­low,
Put in­to prac­tice day by day,
And the peace of God you’ll know.