Scripture Verse

He’s calling you. Mark 10:49


James M. Hagan (1859–1933)

Words: Mc­Hen­ry H. Jenkins, in Ca­rol Crown, by James D. Vaugh­an et al. (Law­rence­burg, Ten­nes­see: James D. Vaugh­an, 1915), num­ber 11.

Music: Me­lo­dy by Mc­Hen­ry Jen­kins, har­mo­nized by James M. Ha­gan, 1915 (🔊 pdf nwc).

McHenry H. Jenkins (1852–1918)


Rich trea­sures are wait­ing just ov­er the way
For those who are faith­ful and true;
Dear sin­ner, the bless­ing is rea­dy to­day,
And Je­sus is call­ing for you.


Calling for you, call­ing for you,
Yes, Je­sus is call­ing for you;
Calling for you, call­ing for you,
Yes, ten­der­ly call­ing for you.

There’s mer­cy for all, and the Spir­it says Come,
And en­ter the king­dom anew;
The an­gels are wait­ing to wel­come you home,
And Je­sus is call­ing for you.


Then lin­ger no long­er afar from the fold,
Bid sin and its foll­ies adieu;
O why will you wan­der in dark­ness and cold,
When Je­sus is cal­ling for you?


O come and be saved, while His mer­cy and love
Your spir­it so ten­der­ly woo;
To man­sions of glo­ry in Hea­ven above,
And Je­sus is call­ing for you.
