He’s calling you!
Mark 10:49
Words: Thaddeus B. Neff, in Truth in Song, edited by Barney E. Warren, Andrew L. Byers, Clarence E. Hunter & Daniel O. Teasley (Anderson, Indiana: Gospel Trumpet Publishing, 1907), number 154.
Music: San Juan Islands J. Raymond Neff (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Raymond Neff (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), or a better one of Thaddeus, would you send us an e-mail?
Jesus is calling in tones sweet and kind
For weary hearts burdened with sin;
Come, then, poor sinner, and pardon you’ll find,
Oh, bid the dear Savior come in.
Come to the Savior, come, weary one, come;
’Tis Jesus that’s calling for thee:
He’s waited long for the wandering one,
Oh, come to the fount and be free.
Open your heart while the Savior is near,
His love is so tender and true;
Gladly receive Him, He’ll banish thy fear,
Hark! Jesus is calling for you.
List to His Spirit, ’tis calling you now,
Still pleading in mercy and love;
Quickly before Him in lowliness bow,
Oh, heed that sweet voice from above.
Soon you shall stand on eternity’s shore,
Before the great throne of your king;
Yield to the Savior, rejecting no more
The pardon He freely doth bring.