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Scripture Verse

A rest for the people of God. Hebrews 4:9


Words: J. H. Bright, in the Uni­vers­al­ist Hymn Book, third edi­tion, by George Ro­gers (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: R. P. Brooks, 1842), num­ber 518.

Music: From The Cas­ket of Sun­day School Me­lo­dies, by Asa Hull (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Asa Hull, 1865), num­ber 100 (🔊 ).

If you know Bright’s full name, or where to get good pic­ture of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Should sor­row o’er thy brow
Its dark­ened sha­dows fling,
And hopes that cheer thee now
Die in their ear­ly spring;
Should plea­sure at its birth
Fade like the hues of ev’n,
Turn thou away from earth,
There’s rest for thee in Heav’n.


There’s rest, there’s rest,
There’s rest for thee in Heav­en,
O turn from earth away,
There’s rest for thee in Heav’n.

If ev­er life should seem
To thee a toil­some way—
And glad­ness cease to beam
Upon its cloud­ed day;
If like the wea­ry dove,
O’er shore­less oceans driv­en;
Raise thou thine eyes above,
There’s rest for thee in Heav’n.


But O, if thorn­less flow­ers
Throughout thy path­way bloom—
And joyful­ly fleet the hours,
Unstained by earth­ly gloom—
Still, let not ev­ery thought
To this poor world be given;
Nor al­ways be for­got
Thy bet­ter rest in Heav’n.


When sick­ness pales thy cheek
And dims thy lus­trous eye,
And puls­es low and week
Tell of a time to die—
Sweet hope will whis­per then,
Though thou from earth be riv­en,
There’s bliss be­yond the ken,
There’s rest for thee in Heav’n!
