Scripture Verse

O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? 1 Corinthians 15:55


Charles H. Gabriel (1856–1932)

Words: Charles H. Ga­bri­el, 1911. Some hym­nals give the au­thor as Jen­nie Ree, one of Ga­bri­el’s pseu­do­nyms.

Music: Ira B. Wil­son (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ira B. Wilson (1880–1950)


The pow­er of death is brok­en,
Its ter­rors for­ev­er past,
For Je­sus who died to save us
Its por­tals hath safe­ly passed;
He left in the vale of sha­dows
A light that shall not grow dim,
To guide who­so­ev­er fol­lows
In safe­ty and peace to Him.


Rejoice! re­joice!
The Re­deem­er who once was slain,
The pow­er of dark­ness con­quered,
Is ris­en, and lives again.

He took on Him­self our bur­den,
The debt of our sin He paid;
Our sor­rows He bore, and ev­en
Our stripes up­on Him were laid.
To earth from a throne of glo­ry,
In mer­cy and love He came—
Was born in a low­ly man­ger,
A world that He might re­claim.


Gethsemane saw His ang­uish,
And Cal­va­ry heard Him cry:
’Tis fin­ished! O won­drous mer­cy,
That He for the world could die!
But, praise to His name for­ev­er,
Tho’ dead, yet He lives to­day!
All ma­jes­ty, praise and hon­or,
And glo­ry be His for aye.
