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Scripture Verse

There was a great earthquake, for the angel of the Lord descended from Heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow. Matthew 28:2–3


Palmer Hartsough (1844–1932)

Words: Pal­mer Hart­sough, 1894.

Music: James H. Fill­more, Sr. (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Hart­sough, would you send us an e-mail?

James Fillmore (1849–1936)


As broke the long and hea­vy night,
While trem­bling guards fell with af­fright,
An an­gel fair, in gar­ments white,
Came down where Je­sus lay;
An an­gel fair, in gar­ments white,
And rolled the rock away,
And rolled the rock away,
And rolled the rock away.

And Christ arose and left the tomb,
The grave He robbed of all its gloom,
And earth put on her robes of bloom,
To greet again her Lord;
And earth put on her robes of bloom,
To greet again her Lord;
To greet again her Lord,
To greet again her Lord.

And so our trib­utes glad we bring,
And sweet­est car­ols do we sing,
In praise of Christ, our vi­ctor king,
This re­sur­rect­ion day;
In praise of Christ, our vic­tor king,
This re­sur­rect­ion day,
This re­sur­rect­ion day,
This re­sur­rect­ion day.