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Scripture Verse

The sabbath of rest, a holy convocation. Leviticus 23:3


Theodore E. Perkins

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in The Sil­ver Spray, ed­it­ed by W. How­ard Doane (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: 1868), page 57.

Music: Theo­dore E. Per­kins (🔊 ).

Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)


Ringing, sweet­ly ring­ing,
The cheer­ful Sab­bath bells;
Ringing, sweet­ly ring­ing,
The cheer­ful Sab­bath bells.
We lin­ger a mo­ment their call to hear,
Then haste away to our school so dear;
Over the green­wood joy­ous and free,
Singing with glad­ness, hap­py are we.


While ov­er the dist­ant hill
Their mu­sic is float­ing still,
Hear the ec­ho, ec­ho, ec­ho;
Sweet Sab­bath bells,
Hear the ec­ho, ec­ho, ec­ho,
Sweet Sab­bath bells.

Ringing, sweet­ly ring­ing,
Their sil­ver chimes we love;
Ringing, sweet­ly ring­ing,
Their sil­ver chimes we love.
A mis­sion of peace to the heart they bear,
A wel­come call to the house of prayer;
Telling of rap­tures, tell­ing of rest,
Mansions of glo­ry, tran­quil and blest.


Ringing, sweet­ly ring­ing,
Those cheer­ful Sab­bath bells;
Ringing, sweet­ly ring­ing,
Those cheer­ful Sab­bath bells.
O! let us be grate­ful to God above,
Who crown­eth our days with the light of love,
Blessèd Re­deem­er, ev­er to Thee,
Praise from Thy child­ren of­fered shall be.
