The chief priests…gave the soldiers a large sum of money, telling them,
Matthew 28:12–13You are to say,
His disciples came during the night and stole Him away while we were asleep.
Words & Music: John H. Hopkins, Jr., Carols, Hymns and Songs (New York: Church Book Depository, 1863), pages 27–29 (🔊
The Roman Soldier’s part is set in the G clef for the convenience of children; but it is much better when sung by a man, an octave below.
Roman soldier, tell us true,
What sort of a watch on guard are you?
The sepulcher, sealèd safe at night,
How came it empty at morning light?
Roman Soldier
Why, Peter and Andrew, James and John,
They came by night, removed the stone,
And long before the break of day,
They stole His body far away.
Fie, old Roman, why tell a lie?
For Christ is risen, Christ is risen indeed.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, Amen.
Roman soldier, tell us, then,
Why slew you not those thieving men?
Were a few unarmèd Jews too hard
For a veteran, mail clad Roman guard?
Roman Soldier
O no! you Jews we never fear;
But we had no chance for sword or spear,
For up so softly did they creep,
While we were all of us fast asleep.
Fie, old Roman, why tell a lie?
Roman soldier, if you were
All fast asleep, as you declare,
How could you know, or see, or say,
Who ’twas that stole the Lord away?
Roman Soldier
Old Annas and Caiaphas told me so;
The truth they wished that one should know;
They gave me, therefore, silver and gold,
To tell the story I have told.
Fie, old Roman, why tell a lie?
Roman soldier, tell no more
The stories you have told before—
Too foolish to deceive our youth:
But tell us now the simple truth.
Roman Soldier
An earthquake rolled the stone away;
Half dead with fear we Romans lay:
While, like full sunrise at midnight,
Christ rose, and glided from our sight.
Fie, old Roman, why tell a lie?
Roman soldier, your own eyes
Have seen our Lord and God arise;
How can you, now that He is known,
Still worship gods of wood and stone?
Roman Soldier
We Romans conquer where we come;
But Christ hath power to vanquish Rome:
My idols all I cast away—
Christ’s soldier till my dying day!
Right, old Roman, fight for The Light;