Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:14
Words: Emily H. Miller, in The Shining River, edited by Henry S. Perkins & William O. Perkins (Boston, Massachusetts: Oliver Ditson, 1875), page 25.
Music: Anonymous, 1875 (🔊
If you know the composer’s name, or have access to a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Ring out, merry bells in the steeple,
Sing loud, happy voices, tonight.
And join with each kindred and people
In anthems of praise and delight!
Good will from the Father above,
Good will to His children below!
How glad was the morn
When the Savior was born,
To ransom our souls by His love!
Oh, nations that wait for the morrow,
Rejoice! for the dawn is at hand!
Oh, captives who pine in your sorrows,
The Savior shall sever your bands!
The eyes of the blind shall be opened,
The King in His beauty to see;
The tongue of the dumb shall be loosened
To utter its praises to Thee!
Ring out, merry bells in the steeple,
Ring loud, happy voices, tonight!
And join with each kindred and people
In anthems of praise and delight!