Good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
Luke 2:10
Words: Amy S. Woods, in Hosanna for the Sunday School, edited by Alfred T. Schauffler (New York: Century Company, 1898), number 108.
Music: Caleb Simper (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Woods (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), or a better one of Simper, would you send us an e-mail?
Ring out, O bells, in gladness!
For Christ the Lord is born;
Far banish earthly sadness
On this His birthday morn.
Approach, ye faithful people,
Unto His manger shrine,
Where lies the infant Savior,
True God, and Man divine.
Ring out, O bells!
Ring, triumphant ring!
This is the birthday of our king;
O bells, triumphant ring!
Ring out, O bells!
O bells, triumphant ring!
Ring out, O bells!
Ring, triumphant ring!
Bear, O ye winds, the story,
And tell it far and near;
Our Day-star now has risen,
The wintry world to cheer.
To those who sit in darkness
His glorious light has come,
To guide them through life’s shadows
Up to their Father’s home.
To wakeful shepherds watching,
The news was told last night,
By glorious angels winging
To earth their joyful flight.
They sang in sweetest numbers
The song we sing this morn—
To you in David’s city,
A Savior—Christ—is born!
All glory in the highest!
And on the earth be peace;
Loud swells the Christmas anthem,
Which nevermore shall cease.
For Heaven and earth this morning
Are joined in love divine,
By Him who in a stable
Is born of David’s line.