Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Words: Anonymous, in Carols Old and Carols New, edited by Charles L. Hutchins (Boston, Massachusetts: Parish Choir, 1916), number 573.
Music: Rio Hondo, anonymous, in Carols Old and Carols New, 1916 (🔊
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Ring out, O bells, your peals today,
O ring, and do not cease;
For in a manger, far away,
Is born the Prince of Peace.
Ring on, ye bells, O sweetly ring,
While we with happy voices sing!
Ring on, ring on, ring on, ye bells,
O sweetly ring, sweetly ring!
The shepherds, far on Bethl’hem’s plain,
Who guard their flocks by night,
See in the heav’n a shining star,
With wondrous glory bright.
This was the star that hailed the birth
Of Jesus Christ the Lord;
The Son and type of righteousness,
Whom angels fair adored.
Now let us join, with one accord,
And joyful be our praise;
Ring out, O bells, and sweetly chime
Your merry Christmas lays!