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Scripture Verse

The exceeding riches of His grace. Ephesians 2:7


Words & Mu­sic: Ed­mund S. Lo­renz, 1885 (🔊 ). Some hym­nals give the au­thor as E. D. Mund, one of Lo­renz’ pseu­do­nyms.

Edmund S. Lorenz


Riches of earth I may not see,
God may pre­vent;
Riches of grace are of­fered me,
I am con­tent.
Wealth of the world must fade and fail,
Earthly de­lights grow taste­less, stale,
I have the wealth that must avail—
Riches of grace.


Riches of grace for­ev­er en­dure;
Riches of grace my safe­ty as­sure;
Riches of grace are fade­less and pure;
Riches of grace, rich­es of grace.

I may not win fair hon­or’s crown,
God may pre­vent;
Heavenly hon­ors are my own,
I am con­tent;
Children of God and heirs of grace,
Walking in light be­fore His face,
Resting in peace in His em­brace—
Riches of grace.


Earth will not bring me hours of peace,
Sin will pre­vent;
I have a peace that can­not cease,
God hath it sent.
Sweetly the hours of life glide by,
Harmless its tri­als past me fly,
Strong in His grace I all de­fy—
Riches of grace.
