Scripture Verse

Preach the Gospel in the regions beyond. 2 Corinthians 10:16


Albert Simpson (1843–1919)

Words: Al­bert B. Simp­son, 1904, alt.

Music: Mar­ga­ret M. Simp­son (🔊 pdf nwc).

Margaret M. Simpson (1878–1958)


To the re­gions be­yond
I must go, I must go
Where the sto­ry has ne­ver been told;
To the mill­ions that ne­ver have heard of His love,
I must tell the sweet sto­ry of old.


To the re­gions be­yond I must go, I must go,
Till the world, all the world,
His sal­va­tion shall know.

To the hard­est of plac­es
He calls me to go,
Never think­ing of com­fort or ease;
The world may pro­nounce me a dream­er, a fool,
Enough if the Mas­ter I please.


Oh, you that are spend­ing
Your lei­sure and pow­ers
In those plea­sures so fool­ish and fond;
Awake from your self­ish­ness, fol­ly and sin,
And go to the re­gions be­yond.


There are oth­er lost sheep
That the Mas­ter must bring,
And to them must the mes­sage be told;
He sends me to ga­ther them out of all lands,
And welc­ome them back to His fold.
