Scripture Verse

They shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years. Revelation 20:6


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, Jan­ua­ry 27, 1915. Writ­ten while World War I was rag­ing, this is Fan­ny’s last hymn—she passed away two weeks af­ter pen­ning these words.

Music: Uthup, Joe Uth­up, 2014 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Joe Uthup (1988–)


A cry, a wild and pierc­ing cry,
From bat­tle­field where mill­ions lie;
The world at war our eyes be­hold,
A strife whose like has ne’er been told.


Warriors sheath the flam­ing sword,
The right shall rule through Christ the Lord,
’Twill not be long, ’twill not be long,
O praise His name, ’twill not be long.

With ir­on grasp and ang­ry brow,
The na­tions wield their scep­ter now,
Compel their own with stern co­mmand,
Amid the ranks of death to stand.


Thou great Su­preme and judge of all,
While at Thy feet we hum­bly fall,
O grant our pray­er, our ear­nest plea,
That all the world at peace may be.