Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Words & Music: James J. Jelley, 1899 (🔊
Ring out the bells, ye merry, merry bells,
Peal forth a welcome as we sing;
We hail this day, glad memories they tell,
When Christ was born, the Savior King.
Ring out the bells, the merry Christmas bells,
Peal forth in strains this natal morn,
The joy they bring, their merry chiming tell,
This hallowed day when Christ was born.
Ring out the bells, a welcome message bring,
To old and young this natal morn;
Herald the news on fastest, fleetest wing,
This hallowed day when Christ was born.
Ring out the bells, proclaim with one accord
The eastern star, to guide aright;
The wise men came and found the holy Child;
Their homage pay, oh, wondrous sight.