Scripture Verse

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14


Harriet Kimball (1834–1917)

Words: Har­ri­et M. Kim­ball, Po­ems (New York: An­son D. F. Ran­dolph, 1889), pag­es 77–79.

Music: Guds God­het Nils Fryk­man (1842–1911) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Nils Frykman (1842–1911)


Ring, sweet bells of Christ­en­dom,
Everywhere the tid­ings tell
How the Lord to earth did come—
Ring and tell!

Swift to seek and save the lost,
More than mer­ci­ful He came;
Glad to pay life’s bit­ter cost
Jesus came.

Prince of Peace, the heav’n­ly King,
As a mor­tal babe dis­guised
He ap­peared whom an­gels sing—

Love di­vine in hu­man frame,
Of the low­ly low­li­est He;
Stripped of glo­ry, in His shame
Gloried He.

Empty-hand­ed from His birth,
Gifts ex­ceed­ing price He brought;
Treasures hid­den not in earth
Jesus brought.

To the blind, un­cloud­ed sight;
To the dumb, the voice of praise;
And to all in dark­ness, light—
Joy and praise.

To the poor, the Gos­pel’s wealth;
To the rich, the spir­it poor;
And to all His sav­ing health—
Rich and poor.

To the heavy-laden, rest;
To the mourner, words of life;
And to all—the last and best—
Endless life.

In the per­fect path He trod,
Still His foot­prints mark the way;
Out to men and up to God
Show the way.

Out to men in love that breaks
Bread of cha­ri­ty with all,
And—thrice bless­èd then—for­sakes
Self for all.

Up to God in deeds like pray­ers,
In obe­di­ence to Him,
And in faith—love’s al­tar-stairs
Reared to Him.

Ring, sweet bells of Christ­en­dom,
Far and near the tid­ings tell
How the Lord to earth did come—
Ring and tell!

Join, good Chris­tians, east and west,
In Em­ma­nu­el’s end­less praise,
And with deeds of mer­cy best
Show His praise!

Still the Christ­mas an­gels sing:
Glory be to God Most High!
The eter­nal ec­hoes ring:
God Most High!

Lift your songs in uni­son:
Peace on earth, good-will to men!
Mingle song and life in one
Wide Amen!