The Lord is risen indeed.
Luke 24:34
Words: Lucinda M. B. Bateman, 1891.
Music: Damaris James H. Fillmore (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Bateman (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
There’s a song on my lips,
There’s a song in my soul,
Tho’ the waves of distress
Deeply round me may roll;
For I know whom I trust,
Tho’ the way may be dim,
I shall safely go home,
If I cling close to Him.
I will not be afraid
When the dark grave I see,
For my Savior has died
And has risen for me.
There’s a light in my sky,
Since the breaking of day,
When the seal rent in twain
And the stone rolled away;
For an angel spoke peace
To my spirit’s alarm:
He is risen for thee;
There is nothing to harm.
There is joy in my heart
All the long, weary day,
For the storm overpast
And the clouds rolled away;
There’s a rose for each thorn,
And a gain for each loss,
Since my Savior Himself
Gained a crown by the cross.