Sing ye to the Lord, for He hath triumphed gloriously.
Exodus 15:21
Words: Alexcenah Thomas, in Fair as the Morning, edited by John H. Kurzenknabe & W. Warren Bentley (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: J. H. Kurzenknabe & Sons, 1891), number 128.
Music: Epping Forest Alexcenah Thomas, 1891 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Thomas (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Ring, ring out, ye bells, for Easter,
Ring, ring out a merry chime;
Every heart is full of gladness
At this joyous Easter time.
Christ arose to ope the portals
Of His kingdom bright and fair,
And to give us life immortal,
That all men His joy might share.
On this day of all most glorious,
Chant your joyous Easter lay,
For our Jesus reigns victorious
Over earth and Heaven for aye.
King of kings! we love and bless Thee,
Death no longer holds his prey;
Jesus rescued us, His children,
Man is truly blest today.
See, O see the light of Heaven
Streaming from the open door!
Yes, we know our Lord has given
Life and joy forevermore.
Sing we then of life eternal,
Joys of immortality;
Jesus burst the chains of bondage,
And the soul of man is free.
Sing of love so strong and matchless,
Lasting through eternity;
Ring, ye bells, with notes of gladness,
Ring the glorious victory.