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Alexcenah Thomas



Born: 1861.

Died: 1913.

Buried: At­lan­tic Ci­ty Ce­me­te­ry, Plea­sant­ville, New Jer­sey.


The Dai­ly Un­ion His­to­ry of At­lan­tic Ci­ty and Coun­ty (At­lan­tic Ci­ty, New Jer­sey: Dai­ly Un­ion Print­ing, 1900), page 271, says Tho­mas was Su­per­vis­or of Draw­ing in the lo­cal pub­lic schools.

The Bul­le­tin of At­lan­ta Uni­ver­si­ty (At­lan­ta, Geor­gia, num­ber 148, Oc­to­ber 1904), page 1, has this sketch on her:

Miss Alex­ce­nah Tho­mas, of Phi­la­del­phia, Pa., comes to us as Su­per­vis­or of Pri­mary Work and Cri­tic Teach­er in the Ogle­thorpe Prac­tice School.

Miss Tho­mas is a gra­du­ate of the School of Edu­ca­tion in Chi­ca­go Uni­ver­si­ty, and has had long and val­ua­ble ex­pe­ri­ence.

For ele­ven years she was en­gaged in pri­ma­ry and in­ter­me­di­ate work in the pub­lic schools of Greens­burg, Pa., and Ta­co­ma, Wash., af­ter which she held suc­cess­ive­ly the po­si­tions of Prin­ci­pal of the Mod­al School in con­nect­ion with the Ci­ty Nor­mal School of Spring­field, Mass., Pri­ma­ry Su­per­vis­or for all the pub­lic schools of At­lan­tic City, N. J., and Prin­ci­pal of the Mod­el School in con­nect­ion with the State Nor­mal School of East Strouds­burg, N. Y.

During her six years in At­lan­tic Ci­ty she had the su­per­vi­sion of fif­ty-nine rooms, of which ele­ven were filled with co­lored child­ren.



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