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Scripture Verse

Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the Name of the Lord; praise Him, O ye servants of the Lord. Psalm 135:1


Martin Luther (1483–1546)

Words: Henry W. Bak­er, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1861.

Music: Ein fes­te Burg Mar­tin Lu­ther, 1529 (🔊 ).

Henry W. Baker (1821–1877)


Rejoice to­day with one ac­cord,
Sing out with ex­ul­ta­tion;
Rejoice and praise our migh­ty Lord,
Whose arm hath brought sal­va­tion;
His works of love pro­claim
The great­ness of His name;
For He is God alone
Who hath His mer­cy shown;
Let all His saints ad­ore Him!

When in dis­tress to Him we cried,
He heard our sad com­plain­ing;
O trust in Him, whate’er be­tide,
His love is all sus­tain­ing;
Triumphant songs of praise
To Him our hearts shall raise;
Now ev­ery voice shall say,
O praise our God al­way;
Let all His saints ado­re Him!

Rejoice to­day with one ac­cord,
Sing out with ex­ul­ta­tion;
Rejoice and praise our migh­ty Lord,
Whose arm hath brought sal­va­tion;
His works of love pro­claim
The great­ness of His name;
For He is God alone
Who hath His mer­cy shown;
Let all His saints ad­ore Him!