Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while.
Mark 6:31
Words: I. T. Walker, in Songs of Free Grace, by Daniel B. Towner (Cincinnati, Ohio; Chicago, Illinois; and St. Louis, Missouri: Cranston & Stowe, 1883), number 42, alt.
Music: Dadu Daniel B. Towner, 1883 (🔊
If you know Walker’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
said Jesus, come apart now,
From the stern and busy day
He who knows thy weary footsteps,
Calls thee to the desert way.
Come, oh come to Me and rest,
Find My bosom soft and sweet;
Come to Me, and thou art blest,
In the desert’s lone retreat.
Rest awhile,
but not forever,
Back again with sharper sword;
Take the world-lost for thy Savior,
’Tis the promise of His word.
Hearts of sorrow, turn aside,
Tears have told thy keenest grief;
Come, and now in Me abide,
And thy soul shall find relief.
Rest, sweet rest remains for you,
When the battle work is done;
Rest for loyal hearts and true,
When the crown of life is won.