Into Thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of truth.
Psalm 31:5
Words: Thomas O. Chisholm, 1912.
Music: Roanoke Charles H. Gabriel (🔊
Redeemed and saved!
For me the Savior suffered,
Laid down His life, a ransom for my own;
Took on Himself my load of condemnation,
And tread the cruel winepress all alone.
Redeemed! Redeemed!
My grateful heart keeps singing,
Redeemed and saved! How wonderful it seems!
My sin is gone, I am an heir of glory,
O bliss indeed beyond my brightest dreams!
Redeemed and saved!
Oh! rapturous was the moment,
When, in despair, I heard His pardon free,
When first I knew the Son of God, in dying,
Had died for me, had died for even me.
Redeemed and saved!
No more a wandering alien,
No more the guilt, the fears I felt before;
But now a peace and joy that never faileth,
Since I am His, yes, His forevermore!