We have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.
Ephesians 1:7
Words & Music: Peter P. Bilhorn, 1895. Appeared in Soul Winning Songs (Chicago, Illinois: Bilhorn Brothers, 1898), number 78 (🔊
In the beginning of our reemption,
Mercy and love came freely to earth;
Angels descended, singing the message,
Singing of Jesus and His birth.
O what a Savior, wonderful Savior,
Coming to earth to suffer for me.
O what a Savior! wonderful Savior,
Pleading in glory now for thee!
Then in the garden, all night in anguish,
Weeping and praying, praying for all,
That He might suffer death and the judgment,
Suffer to save us from the fall.
Then on Mount Calv’ry, Jesus was smitten,
Smitten to suffer, bleed, and to die;
Hear Him repeating, Father, forgive them,
hear Him cry.
Father, forgive them!
Then He was buried, sealed by the Romans,
For He had promised that He would rise;
Hark! to the message: Christ hath arisen,
Risen from death and gone on high.
Jesus is coming, tell the glad story;
Jesus is coming down from the sky;
We shall behold Him coming in glory;
Jesus is coming by and by.