Scripture Verse

The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Matthew 9:37


Words & Mu­sic: On­ie L. Fran­cis, in New Vic­to­ry, ed­it­ed by Em­mett S. Dean (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: Na­tion­al Bap­tist Pub­lish­ing Board, 1918), num­ber 30 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Fran­cis (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Rouse, oh! reap­ers, up and haste away,
Ready, will­ing, Je­sus to obey;
You are need­ed, see the fields are white;
Take your sic­kle, reap with all your might;
Haste, for the reap­ers, alas! are so few,
And in His ser­vice be true.
Haste, for the reap­ers, alas! are so few,
And in His ser­vice be true.


Haste unto the world­wide harvest field,
Help to garner in the price­less yield;
Faithfulness show­ing, bless­ings be­stow­ing,
Serving with trust and love;
Falter not and ne­ver wea­ry be,
Give your best un­til eter­ni­ty,
Joyfully sing­ing, reap­ing and bring­ing,
Souls to the Lord above.

Time is pre­cious, do not idle stand,
Haste away with will­ing heart and hand;
Christ in mer­cy will always be near,
You to strength­en, com­fort, help and cheer;
Trusting and pray­ing, oh! make no delay,
Forth to the har­vest away!
Trusting and pray­ing, oh! make no delay,
Forth to the har­vest away!


Haste, oh! reap­ers, ere the day­light flies,
Glean some sheaves eter­nal for the skies.
Let not Christ for reap­ers call in vain,
And in world­ly idle­ness re­main;
All who are faith­ful in serv­ing the Lord,
Surely ob­tain their re­ward.
All who are faith­ful in serv­ing the Lord,
Surely ob­tain their re­ward.
