Scripture Verse

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11


Hermon G. Batterson

Words: Her­mon G. Bat­ter­son (1827–1903). Pub­lished in Car­ols Old and Car­ols New, by Charles L. Hut­chins (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Par­ish Choir, 1916), num­ber 596.

Music: Ar­thur H. Brown (1830–1926) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Arthur Brown (1830–1926)


Ring on, ye joy­ous Christ­mas bells!
Ring on! Ring on!
What tale of love your mu­sic tells,
Ring on! Ring on!
The Christ is born for sin­ful men;
’Tis Christ­mas morn,
Ring out again! Ring out again!
Ring out again! Ring out again!
Ring on, ye joy­ous Christ­mas bells!
Ring on! Ring on!
What tale of love your mu­sic tells,
Ring on! Ring on!

Ring on, O mer­ry Christ­mas bells!
Ring on! Ring on!
What peace from out your clang­or wells,
Ring on! Ring on!
Peace comes to earth; Good will to men,
A price­less birth.
Ring out again! Ring out again!
Ring out again! Ring out again!
Ring on, O mer­ry Christ­mas bells,
Ring on! Ring on!
What peace from out your clang­or wells,
Ring on! Ring on!

Ring on, ye hap­py Christ­mas bells!
Ring on! Ring on!
With ho­ly joy the cla­mor swells,
Ring on! Ring on!
Oh, hap­py day for wea­ry men;
Oh, roy­al day,
Ring out again! Ring out again!
Ring out again! Ring out again!
Ring on, ye hap­py Christ­mas bells!
Ring on! Ring on!
With ho­ly joy the cla­mor swells,
Ring on! Ring on!

Ring on, ye ho­ly Christ­mas bells!
Ring on! Ring on!
O’er hill and dale, through wild­est dells,
Ring on! Ring on!
In tri­umph ring for ho­ly men
All glad­ness bring,
Ring out again! Ring out again!
Ring out again! Ring out again!
Ring on, ye ho­ly Christ­mas bells!
Ring on! Ring on!
O’er hill and dale, through wild­est dells
Ring on! Ring on!

Ring on, ye glad­some Christ­mas bells!
Ring on! Ring on!
’Tis mer­cy mild the sound fore­tells,
Ring on! Ring on!
The Prince of Peace now pleads for men;
He will not cease,
Ring out again! Ring out again!
Ring out again! Ring out again!
Ring on, ye glad­some Christ­mas bells!
Ring on! Ring on!
’Tis mer­cy mild the sound fore­tells,
Ring on! Ring on!

Ring on, ye peace­ful Christ­mas bells!
Ring on! Ring on!
Tell of the hope that in us dwells,
Ring on! Ring on!
To Je­sus now all ranks of men
In wor­ship bow,
Ring out again! Ring out again!
Ring out again! Ring out again!
Ring on, ye peace­ful Christ­mas bells!
Ring on! Ring on!
Tell of the hope that in us dwells,
Ring on! Ring on!
