Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Words: Katharyn D. Bacon, in Truth and Hope, by Alfred E. Helton et al. (Lenoir, North Carolina: Teachers’ Music Publishing, 1919), number 17.
Music: Ocooee Alfred Reneau (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Reneau (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), or a better one of Bacon, would you send us an e-mail?
Repentant and weary of sin,
I’m longing salvation to win;
Surrendering my all, I answer Thy call,
I’m coming, dear Savior, to Thee.
Believing each promise divine,
The world and its ways I resign;
My guilt I confess, oh! pardon and bless,
I’m coming, dear Savior, to Thee!
No longer sin’s pleasures can charm,
Or thoughts of Thy vengeance alarm;
I’ll trust in Thy love, my guilt to remove,
I’m coming, dear Savior, to Thee.
From perils and sorrow of night,
To safety and peace and delight,
Confessing Thy name, each promise I claim,
I’m coming, dear Savior, to Thee.
No more from Thy guidance I’ll stray,
But walk in Thy footsteps each day;
With gladness untold, to enter Thy fold,
I’m coming, dear Savior, to Thee.