Who will roll back the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?
Mark 16:3
Words & Music: E. E. Pickard, possibly late 19th Century (🔊
If you know Pickard’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Who shall roll the stone away?
Who shall break the seal?
Who can drive the clouds away?
Wounded hearts to heal?
Only God can lift the weight
That keeps fast the glory gate!
Even now, Lord, while we pray,
Thou canst roll the stones away!
Who can lead the weary soul
To the Savior’s cross?
Who can make us joyfully
Count all else but loss?
Who can banish unbelief,
As in prayer we bow?
Who can ope the silent lips?
God can—here and now!
Who can cleanse our sins away,
By His precious blood?
Only One these things can do—
Christ, the Son of God!
Who will come to Jesus now?
Now, this very hour?
He will save you willingly,
Keep you by His power.