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Scripture Verse

At midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all [the] virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. Matthew 25:6–7


Words & Mu­sic: E. F. Mill­er in The Heav­en­ly Choir, ed­it­ed by Theo­dore Wood (New York: C. M. Ca­dy, 1876), num­ber 67 (🔊 ). These words were in use by at least 1868. For an­oth­er ar­range­ment, see Trim Your Lamps and Be Rea­dy.

If you know Mill­er’s full name, or where to get a good pic­ture of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Rejoice, ye saints! the time draws near
When Christ will in the clouds ap­pear,
And for His peo­ple call.


Trim your lamps, and be rea­dy,
Trim your lamps, and be rea­dy,
Trim your lamps, and be rea­dy
For the mid­night cry.
For the mid­night cry,
For the mid­night cry,
Trim your lamps and be rea­dy,
For the mid­night cry.

The trum­pet sounds, the thun­ders roll;
The heav­ens pass­ing as a scroll;
The earth will burn with fire.


Poor sin­ners then on earth will cry,
While light­nings flash from out the sky,
O mount­ains, on us fall!


Yes, sin­ners then on earth will burn,
To ashes will their bo­dies turn,
The saints will shout for joy.


Then on a sea of glass shall stand,
King Je­sus, with His con­quer­ing band,
Safe from con­sum­ing fire.


Come, breth­ren all, and let us try
To warn poor sin­ners, and to cry,
Behold, the Bride­groom comes!


Come trim your lamps, be­fore too late,
And rea­dy for the bride­groom wait,
And watch to en­ter in.
