Scripture Verse

Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous. Psalm 33:1


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719. Works of cre­ation and pro­vi­dence.

Music: Az­mon Carl G. Glä­ser, 1828. Ar­ranged by Low­ell Ma­son, Mo­dern Psalm­ist, 1839 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Rejoice, ye right­eous, in the Lord,
This work be­longs to you:
Sing of His name, His ways, His Word,
How ho­ly, just and true!

His mer­cy and His right­eous­ness
Let Heav’n and earth pro­claim;
His works of na­ture and of grace
Reveal His won­drous name.

His wis­dom and al­migh­ty Word
The heav’n­ly arches spread,
And by the Spir­it of the Lord
Their shin­ing hosts were made.

He bid the li­quid waters flow
To their ap­point­ed deep;
The flow­ing seas their li­mits know,
And their own sta­tion keep.

Ye ten­ants of the spa­cious earth
With fear be­fore Him stand;
He spake, and na­ture took its birth,
And rests on His com­mand.

He scorns the an­gry na­tions’ rage,
And breaks their vain de­signs;
His coun­sel stands through ev­ery age,
And in full glo­ry shines.