Scripture Verse

There shall come a star out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel. Numbers 24:17


Scott Werdebaugh (1951–)

Words: Scott Wer­de­baugh, 2017.

Music: Sing Prais­es Scott Wer­de­baugh, 1990 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Today we ce­le­brate Je­sus’ birth­day,
That pro­phets spoke of long ago.
God sent His Son to save us from sin
And show us how we should live.
Born to a vir­gin, poor and low­ly,
Laid in a man­ger,
Our pre­cious Lamb of God!
Sing our prais­es to our King!
Sing our prais­es, let them ring!
Jesus Christ is born to­day!

Angels pro­claimed to shep­herds at night that
Jesus was born in Beth­le­hem.
Quickly with joy they ran to the man­ger
Where the ba­by Christ-Child lay.
Bowing in wor­ship, awe, and won­er,
They knelt be­fore their
Dear lit­tle King of kings!
Sing all prais­es to the King!
Sing all prais­es, let them ring!
Jesus Christ is born to­day!

Come, ce­le­brate our Lord Je­sus’ birth­day,
Know that to save us He has come;
Accept His gift of love and sal­va­tion;
Let us crown Him Lord of all!
For He alone is wor­thy of glo­ry,
Worthy of hon­or,
And all our prais­es!
Sing our prais­es to our King!
Sing our prais­es, let them ring!
Jesus Christ is born to­day!
Jesus Christ is born to­day!

Song of the Angels
William Bouguereau, 1881