Lo, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us: this is the Lord; we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.
Isaiah 25:9
Words: From Poems of Mrs. Frances B. M. Brotherson, published posthumously by her daughters, Lucie Brotherson Tyng and Martha Brotherson Reynolds (Peoria, Illinois: 1880), pages 380–83. Adapted by Richard W. Adams, November 30, 2023 (public domain).
Music: St. Edith Justin H. Knecht, 1799 & Edward Husband, 1871 (🔊 ).
Alternate Tunes:
Ring out a joyful chorus,
In numbers sweet, oh, earth!
Chant forth in loud hosannas
Our royal Savior’s birth.
Now over mount and valley,
O’er forest, hill and plain,
Awake the old, old story,
In loftiest notes again.
Down through the vanished ages,
Along the shores of time,
Like streams of silvery beauty,
We hear its echoed chime.
Unnumbered silent voices
Have joined the glorious hymn;
Glad eyes have caught its rapture,
Whose light in death is dim.
Today we stand with shepherds,
Beneath Judean skies;
We hear from Heav’n’s high portals
Triumphant strains arise;
We watch the star whose brightness
Doth guide them safely—where,
With deepest awe and wonder,
They find Messiah there.
Within a lowly manger
Straw cradles His dear head;
In poverty and suffering
His infant tears were shed.
Oh, earth! is this thy welcome
To Christ, the King of Heav’n?
Is this the royal greeting
To your Redeemer giv’n?
’Tis said that since that moment
A beauty hath been giv’n
To baby brows—a pureness
Touched with a trace of Heav’n.
That in sweet dreams the angels
Are o’er them night and day,
With whispers of rare glory
That will not pass away.
That motherhood makes loving
And tender mother hearts;
To even life’s rough places
Deep gentleness imparts.
Since, Mary, on thy bosom
The infant Savior slept,
And thou, with love and blessing,
Thy first sweet watches kept.
With loving, patient spirit,
Earth’s paths the Savior trod;
With willing hands and toiling—
A man and yet a God.
In every calling faithful,
With mission high and grand,
He passed away in triumph,
To reign at God’s right hand.
Dear Savior! Ever blessèd!
Upon this day of days
We come with loud hosannas,
To swell the royal praise.
We look from earthly places,
Where Thy pure feet have trod,
Up to Thy throne of power,
Ascended Lord and God.
High wave Thy royal banner
Across the wide, wide, world,
Today its folds of brightness
By loyal hands unfurled.
It shelters well the household;
It lights the far off shore,
And sounds the silvery key-note,
That summons to adore.
Float high, Judea’s banner!
O’er hosts of earth and Heav’n;
Display in clouds of beauty
The fadeless record giv’n.
Wear well thy holiest luster,
That all the world may see,
Redeemer! Mediator!
The names that make us free.