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Scripture Verse

I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:20


Words & Mu­sic: Scott Wer­de­baugh, 2001 (🔊 ).

Scott Werdebaugh (1951–)


Sov’reign Lord, it’s You alone
I seek to know and love,
For there is no one else I know
Who cares for me like You.
No mat­ter what I face in life,
I’m al­ways mind­ful of the way
You’re al­ways there for me,
So ten­der and so true.

Oftentimes I do not un­der­stand
Why things go wrong;
Why peo­ple suf­fer pain and loss,
Why sor­row seems their fate.
I, too, have known such deep des­pair,
And ago­ny so long,
And depths of shame, re­morse, re­gret;
My fail­ures are so great.

Yet there You are, You nev­er leave me
When I’ve gone as­tray;
You’re al­ways rea­dy to for­give,
To com­fort and re­store.
Through tears and fears that I will face,
I on­ly have to pray,
And You will hear and an­swer me;
May I but list­en more.

I can trust Your sov’reign­ty
Whatever comes my way,
For true to Your great pro­mises,
You’ve always faith­ful been.
Your sov’reign­ty led You to die
To bring me peace that day;
So faith­ful­ly I’ll bear my cross
Each day for You till Heav’n.

Sov’reign Lord, I thank You
For the warmth of Your em­brace,
For sav­ing me, re­deem­ing me,
And draw­ing near to me.
Help me to love with Your great love,
To emu­late Your grace
To oth­ers all around me
So they, too, might be set free.