I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Matthew 28:20
Words & Music: Scott Werdebaugh, 2001 (🔊
© 2001 Scott Werdebaugh
These words and music may be freely reproduced or published for Christian worship or devotions, provided they are not altered, & this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved.
Sov’reign Lord, it’s You alone
I seek to know and love,
For there is no one else I know
Who cares for me like You.
No matter what I face in life,
I’m always mindful of the way
You’re always there for me,
So tender and so true.
Oftentimes I do not understand
Why things go wrong;
Why people suffer pain and loss,
Why sorrow seems their fate.
I, too, have known such deep despair,
And agony so long,
And depths of shame, remorse, regret;
My failures are so great.
Yet there You are, You never leave me
When I’ve gone astray;
You’re always ready to forgive,
To comfort and restore.
Through tears and fears that I will face,
I only have to pray,
And You will hear and answer me;
May I but listen more.
I can trust Your sov’reignty
Whatever comes my way,
For true to Your great promises,
You’ve always faithful been.
Your sov’reignty led You to die
To bring me peace that day;
So faithfully I’ll bear my cross
Each day for You till Heav’n.
Sov’reign Lord, I thank You
For the warmth of Your embrace,
For saving me, redeeming me,
And drawing near to me.
Help me to love with Your great love,
To emulate Your grace
To others all around me
So they, too, might be set free.