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Scripture Verse

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Proverbs 1:7


Frank M. North (1850–1935)

Words: Frank M. North, 1917.

Music: All Saints Hen­ry S. Cut­ler, in The Hym­nal with Tunes Old and New, by John I. Tuck­er, 1872 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

Henry S. Cutler (1825–1902)


The world’s astir! The clouds of storm
Have melt­ed in­to light
Whose streams, aglow from fount­ains warm,
Have driv­en back the night,
Now bright­ens dawn to­ward gold­en day;
The earth is full of song,
Far stretch the shin­ing paths away,
Spring for­ward! Hearts, be strong!

Where lies our path? We seek to know,
To mea­sure life, to find
The hid­den springs of truth whence flow
The joys of heart and mind.
We dream of days be­yond these walls,
The lure of gold we feel,
Life beck­ons us and learn­ing calls,
Loud sounds the world’s ap­peal.

But Thou, O Christ, art mas­ter here!
Redeemed by Thee we stand;
We chal­lenge life with­out a fear;
We wait for Thy com­mand;
For Thy com­mand is vic­to­ry,
And glo­ry crowns the task;
We fol­low Thee and on­ly Thee,
Thy will alone we ask.

Give us the wis­dom from above;
We pledge our loy­al­ty;
Change flash of hope to flame of love,
And doubt to cer­tain­ty.
In Thy great will, O Mas­ter Mind,
In Thee, O Mas­ter Heart,
Our guer­don and our guide we find:
Our Lord, our king, Thou art.